Tupac Lyrics

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R U Still Down?

plus.gif (864 bytes) 1991: 2PACALYPSE NOW
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1993: STRICTLY FOR MY N.I.G.G.A.Z
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1994: THUG LIFE "VOLUME 1"
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1995: ME AGAINST THE WORLD
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1996: THE DON KILLUMINATI: THE 7 DAY THEORY ALBUM
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1996: ALL EYEZ OM ME
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1997: R U STILL DOWN (REMEMBER ME)
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1997: STATIC/ 1 IN 21 - A TUPAC SHAKUR STORY
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1997: BLAC HAZE (LET ME HOLLA AT CHA)
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1998: IN HIS OWN WORDS


plus.gif (864 bytes) 1992: JUICE
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1994: POETIC JUSTICE
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1994: ABOVE THE RIM
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1995: BULLET
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1997: GRIDLOCK'D
plus.gif (864 bytes) 1997: GANG RELATED


plus.gif (864 bytes) ADDITIONAL TRACKS
plus.gif (864 bytes) TRIBUTE SONGS


plus.gif (864 bytes) MAKAVELI 2: Ready 4 War
plus.gif (864 bytes) MAKAVELI 3: THUGS DON'T DIE
plus.gif (864 bytes) EAST 2 WEST: ONE NATION
plus.gif (864 bytes) RESURECTION
plus.gif (864 bytes) ALL EYEZ ON HIM
plus.gif (864 bytes) HIT 'EM UP 2: THE ALBUM
plus.gif (864 bytes) MAKAVELI II: HEAVEN HAS A GHETTO
plus.gif (864 bytes) FRIENDZ: GUEST APPEARANCES
plus.gif (864 bytes) THERE'S 2 SIDES OF EVERY STORY

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Copyright © 1998 Aziz, All rights reserved

Cop-killer !!! ( lyrics / mp3 )